The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Responsibilities

So this week was really good. We are still staying about the same with lessons and finding people. We had a baptism. :) I got to get wet!!! I was really happy the kids name is Maximilian. He is a stud and is going to be a great member for this ward. He has a good understanding of the gospel and wants to do what is right. I love him haha We have been working really hard. De verdad,(i dont know how to say that in english anymore) I am SOOOO tired. haha I got to the house last night just dying haha. I wanted to puro go to bed. But, I couldnt I had to take all of the numbers from the zone I didnt get to bed till like 11:45 ish I am really happy for today. The cool thing that happened this week was that I went to a sector to help out some really young missionaries who are struggling a little bit. They are in a little old sector called.... PANAMERICANA!!!! aka my first sector. I got to be there for 2 days capacitating them and helping them find some good people and teach some good lessons. We found TONS of news for them and taught TONS of lessons. It was really cool. I also got to see many people that I love so dearly there. I didnt go around searching for them, but they were just put in my path. I was so happy to see them. I got to see one of my converts when I was out there. It made me so happy. haha We are doing really well as a zone we have about 9 ish baptism by water for the month and we are possibly going to have 3 more this week. So we just gots to gets dem dunked and chrispify them a lil` ;) haha I have the coolest zone ever!! We are still struggling trying to open that other sector. I am literally living now off of 14 bucks for the rest of the month haha. I have spent all of my money doing mini cambios and going to open that sector. YEAH, lots haha. I am not so happy but hey what can you do about it right!? I got to also see the progression that I have made as a missionary. Going back to my other sector with those new missionaries was a really good experience to see what I have learned and what I am doing so much better. My eyes were really opened to see that I am a good elder. I say that trying to be as humble as I can. I know that I have so much more to do and to better, but the lord has taken a very untalented and weak missionary and made him into a leader and a strong help for others. I am really surprised of the progression that the lord has helped me make. I thank him every day for helping me so much. I realize that without his help without him I couldnt have made so many changes in my life and I wouldnt be able to be the missionary I am today. I have so much more to do, I have so much more to achieve, but I can see that the lord truly is helping me every day. :) I hope that doesnt make me sound like a prideful and stuck up person. I dont want it to... haha

Love Elder Brown
(btw - Julian's new responsibility is Zone Leader)