The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Monday, December 20, 2010

Week of December 13th

Ok.. This week is going to be a little bit different becuase(is that how you spell it? I cant remember how to spell anymore haha) I dont have any CRAZY cool stories but there were a few really cool things that happened.
First, I got to confirm that little boy, Nicolas. :) He was so excited and happy to get confirmed. I am going to be honest though... I was so freaking nervous. It was my first confirmation and it was in front of the whole ward. But the lord it so amazing and has been helping me because as I started to talk I just went and gave him a blessing and didnt even really think about what I was saying. So the lord was really on my side on that one. I think that is cool becuase I had to do it, the blessing in TU form and as missionaries we only talk in USTED form.... So I didnt really know how to talk in TU form but my comp said I talked perfect. Wierd? nope becuase the lord will help us always if we have done everything to prepare to recieve his help and are worthy of it. :)
Second, for christmas we, as missionaries got together and did a christmas party kind of thing on wednesday which was really cool I loved it. It kinda made me feel a little trunky though. I loved it because we got to listen to christmas music and just have a little fun for a little bit it was nice :)
This is a very sad thing right now... There is this guy in our ward, his name is brother Alvaro. He is in the bishopric and is such a kind and loving guy! To everyone!!! But we were talking to him and he told that he has a brain tumor.... He has 2 little kids and a wife and only his wife knows. He doesnt know what to do because the hospitals here suck to say the most. So he can have surgery and risk becoming a veg his whole life or take pills or something and hope that it gets rid of it. He is so scared though... I almost started crying.... He is such a good guy and the thing he said right after he told us is he is so glad for the plan of salvation because he knows he will see his family again but he is still scared. He has such unwavering faith... It was amazing to see. So please... Everyone... Pray for Alvaro. I love this man and he needs our prays...

Ok, This is going to be the different part of ¨my week¨ This is going to be where I am going to talk about some of the ¨interesting¨ things here in chile :)
So number one thing that is freaking wierd haha Everytime we go to a house and a younger girl opens the door we greet them but they always come in with a kiss. The thing that is wierd is usually they dont do that unless it is people they know and they dont do it if we stiff arm them either but there are always those girls who do it. AH it is so annoying haha we went to this house yesterday and literally we were five feet from the door barely in hand reach and she walked 3 or 4 feet through a stiff arm and us telling her we dont greet with kiss to kiss us..... annoying? kinda.. I never in a million years thought I would be getting kisses on my mission.. hahahaha
Number two thing that is a little strange. They men here walk around with man purses!!! HAHAHA It is a fanny pack and they always walk around with it. I am freaking going to get one they are so cool haha I will take a picture and show you how alot of them walk around with them But I am so excited to get one now ;)
Well those are the two for this week. :) Hope you enjoyed some of the fun facts of chile :)