The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Sunday, October 30, 2011

La Vida de un misionero Gringo

So today I actually had a really crazy experience haha. What happened was that we got home from playing soccer in chillan and we were just walking down the street to go and get something to eat and all of a sudden something passes by my head and hits the ground in front of me, I look back to see what happened, because there are tons of trees and what not, but look back and there is this guy, in a drench coat, OLD, and just grumpy looking and he is waving his hands saying it was me. I looked at him and asked what I did.... He starts to walk toward me saying why dont you just go back to your country. Why are you even here, you political monster. I was like what?! I have no idea what you are talking about. Before I even got down saying that he was throwing more stuff at us, actually he hit one of the missionaries in the face. That is when he just started swearing at us and being rude. I looked at him and was just like ok sr, have a good day, and turned and started walking away..... as I got farther away all of a sudden I feel something hard hit the middle of my back. The guy had grabbed a big chunk of dirt/rock and threw it at me. Haha I didnt turn around, I didnt say anything, just walked away. He was nuts. He just kept saying stuff as we walked away. I dont even know who this guy is haha I see him on the streets every now and then. He always hides when we go past him haha. I usually say good day to him or hi just to be nice. He gets bugged sometimes so I stopped saying it all of the time, but out of custom, I say it haha and he just calls us devils and demons and just bad stuff. hahaha It is really sad that he thinks of us like that, but it goes for good stories. The other funny thing that happened this week was that on the way home from lunch this week, we got stopped by 2 younger looking guys who were just like mr, mr, mr, can we talk to you. I, not realizing right away that they were wasted stopped and said yes. haha mistake number 1! haha As they started talking the odor of alcohol filled my nostrils and the pungent smell of weed almost knocked me out. I gave them a pass along card as soon as I smelt them and was like if you want to talk just call this number. haha But these guys insisted on us translating a rap song. So after pretending to try and translate it we gave it back and said you are not going to understand. haha Then he goes on to say listen to me rap..... you have got to be kidding me..... So he starts just rapping right there, saying what ever thing that came to his mind and then throwing in a few F bombs on the way to try and sound cool. haha He only stopped because other guys about 50 feet away yelled at him and were like leave them along calm down man. haha Thanks to them we found a way out of the grasps of the happy friendly drunk man. haha really fun. :)