The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Woot Woot!!

The weeks are just getting better and better. We are now having lots of success here in chiguayante. I know that the lord is going to keep blessing us too. We are currently helping over 6 people work to baptism. :) We will be having one baptism this week. I am super excited for that. I also think we will be having one on the 11 of sept. too. That will be really cool :) I love it so much. haha I am so stoked for all the things that are going to be happening now here. I love this ward so much. They are so cool and we are working alot with them now. It is tough but we are doing it and having alot more success. It is really cool. This week we didnt have to many things happen WAIT!! haha yesterday we were coming home from getting the clothes and this old guy in this wheelchair yelled at us and was like hey come and give me a little push to the end of the corner. Bueno. So we went and took him to the corner and was like where are you guys going... well... we are going that way I said. Yeah adelante he says haha like lets go. So we are like ok whatever we will take him to the corner. So we get to the corner and he is like just a little bit up this way pointing to a hill, not to big. So we are like ummm ok... haha so we push him up the hill, oh and we are talking the whole time about whatever thing. We get to this house and is like this is it. So we knock on the door.... no one answers.... haha he looks at us and is like... well looks like no one is home. Where you guys going!? That way I say, pointing in the opposite direction. Yeah, adelante. hahaha So we start going with him and he says you guys dont have anything to do with those mormons do you?! I was like... We are those mormons. haha He changed his character a little and was like well why do they call you guys mormons? Hmmmm... Inspired question... :) So I started explaining how we believe that Christ came to the Americas and he was like hey I think that could have happened. So I started to teach the restoration. He just sat there and listened intently and asked a few questions. In the end I was like how about we leave you here. He was like yeah that is great thanks so much. I said when are we going to come by your house to talk a little more?! He looked at me and was like well whenever you want, here is my address. I took it down and told him we would be coming by this week. But the best thing about all of this was that right as we were leaving him on this corner a menos active lady walked by and was like elders I want you to come by my house. So I took down here number and told her I would call her this week and we would pass by. Well come to find out that her husband is not a member. :) So that works out well. We never would have found here either if it wasnt for that crazy old man! :D

 I took pictures of my 1 year mark. I made pizza for my comp haha. I like how long I have been out here, but I dont at the same time, because it means I am that much closer to having to end my mission. I really do love this work so freaking much. It has shown me the man that I can be and am and will be one day. I dont want to end my mission. I want to see you guys of course, but I am not ready to come home so thank goodness I still have a year. It passes so fast.  I am so jealous of the movies that you are seeing. :-( haha I am SO movie trunky. I hope that you are keeping a list of your top movies, because when I get back we are having a movie marathon. haha I hate working out in the morning. I have never liked it and I like it even less here. I am going to get home in shape though. I am going to do the 6 months to sexy ;) yeah!!! I start here in feb. I am going to already be losing weight in the summer though. :) I sweat everything off. That is something really good. haha

 have been reading the pearl of great price in spanish and it is so freaking cool I have learned some really cool things that I didnt even know. I am learning about kolob right now and it is twisting my brain apart. I dont understand how it all works. I just want to know! Abraham did. haha I freaking want to know what the heck is going on, or went on. I only have to wait till I die I guess. haha that sucks. I now am having a big desire to study. But not just the scriptures. I want to learn something from like books. Like school books. I havent done that for so long and I miss it now haha It is weird when you are not studying. I have been taking advantage of studying the people out here. I am looking and watching everyone out here, in a non-creepy way and seeing how they act. Looking at the culture aspect of all things out here and taking and making conclusions. I like it and it helps alot with the missionary work too. You can see if a person is going to progress and who will listen. But the only thing is, is that it is all theoretical. It doesnt take into fact the spirit and its power. So like an apostle whose name I cant remember, but will tell you next week said, Do you think the salvation of the souls of men will depend on the human knowledge and logic of topics such as the apostasy and the restoration? Meaning the knowledge we have does nothing, it is all the spirit. We are just there to bring the spirit. It is a good talk. :) Love it.

That's it for this week!

 Love Elder Brown