The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Monday, November 29, 2010

Here's what happened on Thanksgiving Week!

Ok... Here we go...

First off this week was pretty normal. Dont get me wrong there was a lot of spiritual things that happened, but for the most part it was pretty regular. First thing that was cool that happened. Elder pulver and I went out contacting, we originally had wanted to go by a members house to recieve a refferal but they were not home, this was at like 3:45. ¡Que fome! So since we had nothing else to do till like five we went and did some door knocking. So I have to give a little bit of background history on chileans... They LOVE to get into other peoples business. Not even kidding. This is what they do, when you go to houses to see if someone is home, someone who lives 5 houses over and in dark corner yells ¨No one is home!!¨ Seriously! They dont even know if that is true they just say it. Well at least they say it to us. ALL THE TIME!! Elder pulver hates it haha because sometimes the people are sitting right outside thier house eating food or doing something haha or they came out earlier and said just a sec, go back into the house. People just love to tell you to leave. And usually those are the super catholics or evangelico´s haha so they just yell if you come over to talk to them. So as we were doing doors this happened to us haha Elder pulver looked at this lady across the street and just mumbled something under his breath. I was laughing and had this weird feeling like I should go talk to her because I know that she is home haha so I did. Come to find out, she is an inactive and incomplete family. It was cool because we are going to go back, reactivate and baptize the rest of them. Really cool haha

Second story, as we were going home from lunch one day we decided to take a different route than usual. It was completely different! As we were walking trying to get back home for our 45 min siesta we turn down another random street. When we get about half way down this street we hear this loud knocking sound. Elder pulver turns to me and says what was that? I had no idea so we look around and as we do we see this old lady in her house waving at us to come to her. We were a little sceptical but went over asking what she needed. She just said come in, please come in. As we entered the house and sat down she said that she is a member of our church. She was unable to go though because she is stuck to a chair and is very sick all the time. She said she hasnt gone for 4 years... As we kept talking to her we found out she has been waiting at that window every day for who knows how long waiting for the missionaries to pass by so she could share with them. So she could feel that spirit once more. Like it was in church. She had been waiting for us.... It was amazing, she had the sweetest spirit I have ever felt. She said I dont want to keep you because I know you have lots of work but could you share something real short for me please. We looked at each other, elder pulver and I and said of course. we would love to. As we were about to get ready to start elder pulver said actually could we sing a himno for you? She said actually I was hoping we could. She said please sing himno number 15. She already had it picked out and everything. It was praise to the man. We pulled out our himno´s and started singing and you could feel the spirit so very strong. I cant even explain it. She didnt know all of it but closed her eyes and was humming and singing the parts she knew the whole time. Elder pulver and I both were almost in tears... It was amazing. When we finished she looked up at us and said thank you so much. We are going back to see her this week and next week we are bringing the sacrament to her. Her name is Ines. She is like 76 years old. She is still a faithful member of the church too!

Third thing, and probably one of the narliest things I had seen this week.
We were walking from a short visit with a referance and as we were going down the street we see these 4-5 dogs just all in a pack. Now, remember that there are hundreds of dogs everywhere in chile! Tons! Not even kidding haha its stupid. but we see these dogs and all of a sudden elder pulver starts whispering dog fight, dog fight, dog fight. No joke 3 seconds after he said that 3 big dogs and a smaller dog start attacking the local corner dog. They are going at it full on, one at the neck and two on the body. ripping the hair out and bitting the neck shoving it to the ground. Ok, now I also want to point out this is on a courner by the street. Tons of cars are driving by but have to stop when this thing starts because they go into the road kinda. It just so happens that these dogs are fighting right next to a school van filled with little kids. The bus driver seeing this is probably thinking, Stupid dogs... I dont want the kids to see these dogs kill each other. So the driver starts to drive off. As he was driving off the dogs pushed the corner dog to the ground. As the corner dog was moving around trying to get up his body went right under the van. Right as the bus driver was pulling away. THE DOG GOT RAN OVER BY THE BUS/VAN!!! While getting attacked by 3 big dogs and a little one. After he got ran over he got up and started fighting again! Siliva is flying everywhere!!! Dust and hair is still floating in the air and this is when it gets funny haha the whole time this is happening the pervo old man on the corner where the dog always is, is flipping out haha swearing up a storm! As the fight is going on he goes inside and grabs a huge plank of wood he could barely carry haha he comes out after the bus leaves and after the fight a little longer trying to swing this board and just swearing at these dogs like nobodies business. hahahahahaha the dogs stopped when he came out yelling though. And the corner dog was still calling them on after the fight. And after they ran off. hahahaha so elder pulver and I look at each other and cant help but kinda laugh. We start walking away and he told me that, that was the craziest dog fight he has ever seen here. He said I have seen some pretty crazy dog fights too! haha It was crazy!

Well that was my week :) Hope you liked it. Tune in next week for another adventure in the life of.... Elder Brown!