The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Monday, August 1, 2011


Well I am just going to probably take all of the time of this letter to boast about God! I am so grateful for God! Did you know that he loves us so much!? Well if you didn't know you do! I know that the lord is always there even when we are in times that we feel we cannot support. He is aware of everything. I know that at times we feel that he has left us alone, but that is not true! He is always aware of all our trials. I know that he is always going to help us through them too! I love the lord and how merciful he is to all of us, his children. It is true that sometime the lord must humble a man before he can help him. I have learned that from personal experience. I, this week, have been truly humbled. I did a lot of repenting and changing really fast so that I would be able to receive the blessing of the lord and right when I did that the blessings came pouring in. Going from a week with hardly any people 0 with baptismal date and all that jazz, to a week with 4 with date and a few other possibilities is just a miracle. But a huge one! I am not saying the numbers are important, but behind every number there is a person. Not just a statistical judgment of a missionaries work, but a spirit of a child of God. Now, they have a chance to let the lord touch there hearts. A chance to change and become a better person. To come back into the loving arms of our heavenly father. How amazing is it that our father in heaven, after seeing our imperfections and mess ups, gives us another chance to come back to him. That is the example that we need to follow. The perfect parent. I love this gospel. It is how we will one day walk to the end of the path that leads to the kingdom of god. I know that as we walk this path the lord makes us strong enough to one day open that door between us and him and to be able to live forever in peace and happiness. This is all possible for us because of our saviour Jesus Christ. The one who walked the way with us. The one who carried us when we couldn't go any further. The one opening this door with us. Our saviour.

Week of 7-25... INVASION

Well this week was definitely filled with tons of interesting experiences. I cant say that it was the best week, but it wasnt bad. We didnt have much more success. We are doing better. We are not working completely with the ward. Something that has never been done here before. I cant believe that we got this program called PRO-Juntos working. It means Predicar, Reactivar, Obrar-Juntos. Or in english for those of you who dont understand what the heck that means, Preach, Reactivate, and work-Together. It is a great program that all of our mission is trying to get working. I havent been in a ward my whole time being here though that has had it up and working 100 percent. I was really happy because we now have ward missionaries and with this program we have ALL of the organizations working with us and together. It is amazing to see the progress working in this ward. It seemed when I got here that the ward didnt even like the missionaries. They didnt want to work with us at all! Now, they are inviting us over everyday! It is so nice to have such a supporting ward who is actually looking for opportunities to help us in the work. I love it so much. Now, we just need to have a lot more success finding people. We did what is called an invasion. :) It is when everyone from our zone comes to our sector for a few hours and we all do contacts and look for people. I was so happy to receive all of that help from all of the missionaries. I had to pick spots for each of the companionships to go, well I thought hmm.... we have sisters... yup I am sending them to the richest, hardest part of the sector. Now I know you are probably saying what the heck Elder Brown... Why would you do that to them?! Well I am going to say something about the sister missionaries. They are pure love of God. The sisters are what I like to call the sucker punch from the lord. They are so amazing! The spirit radiates from them so much that the people fall in love with them instantly. The hardness of their hearts is softened, and the spirit is able to enter more easily and touch them so that they can feel these things are true. So that was my mind set when I was sending the sisters over to this nice sector. Well at the end of the day we had over 20 references from the 10 missionaries who came over, 15 from the sisters. They even found a family of 5 or 6 and now we have a return appointment. I am telling you, they can just melt the ice around the hearts of any person. So yeah the invasion was really successful and I know that we are going to see alot of people this coming week who are going to be really good. It is just hard. The only trouble we have is that we set up return visits and when we pass by they are never there. That is the only hard thing. BUT we have hope! :) Also this week elder Hanna, my district leader got really sick. He was in bed near the whole week. I had to go over and stay in with him all day one day and it was absolutely ridiculous. A trunky day no mas. All he did was watch movies and talk about his girl that is waiting for him haha he goes home in like 2 weeks. He is trunky and tried to watch other movies that are not really church approved haha like the lightning thief haha I was like uh... No.... we cant watch that. That is just to much. haha It was funny. So yeah I was with him one day and then I took his comp out one day. His name is elder Stowe and he is new and a good missionary and we had a fun day. I liked it. I feel like I am just wasting time out here some days, because we walk around all day and hardly teach anything. I think that I am going to start teaching in the streets like the evangelicos and catholics. haha I have to do something to change the circumstances here. Well that is all for this week. :) Love you talk to you later.