The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Man who fought Satan and Bats!!!!

Ok, this letter is going to be kinda short. I don't have really to much to say this week. Oh something funny, well last night we were going home and all of a sudden this guy comes up to us and is like hey, stop I need to talk to you. I was like oh great I hope that he is not a upset drunk. I was like ok what can we do for you? He started talking to the member that was with us and was like I need to ask you because I don't know if they speak Spanish. I was like oh great here we go. haha I started listening to what he was saying and when he was talking he was talking hypothetically and saying if this happened or that or why is this or that. It didn't make sense what he was saying. I was really confused and for a second he had to turn away and give something to another person that was with him and I turn to Carlos,Member, and was like what the heck is he saying and Carlos looks at me and is like I have no idea what he is saying I cant understand. hahaha Not just a gringo ;) so he gets back and I look at him and say listen I just want you to know that if you have a question for us you can just ask us. We speak Spanish and I can understand you perfectly. Just ask me, calm down and just ask. He started saying sorry I am just really nervous... Ok well sadly I am gay, it might not be the best thing, but that is how it is. Do you guys have something against me? Did I do something to you!? Why did you tell my friend Sebastian that he couldn't be seen with me?(inside story, a member had been seen with this man and stupid rumors started to be spread around town so as a result this member went to this guy and told him that he cant be seen at night by him and that his church doesn't approve) So I was like oh... Ok I understand. I told him look we have nothing against you. We are not mad or anything, what your friend told you was the cause of a personal choice. We haven't told him he had to tell you that, but he obviously feels that way. I continued to say that although we respected him and he was a good guy, the values and morals and beliefs of the church are not going to change, we believe that marriage is something sacred and between a man and a women only, so we can bring children of god to the earth and that we are going to stand firm on what we believe. We love you still, but the choices we do not agree with. He seemed to understand that it wasn't us, but his friend. It was just a really awkward. haha But yeah that was something I never thought would happen to me, a guy confronting me like that in the middle of the street about something like that and yeah.... You just kinda had to be there hahaha
 First I am going to explain these bats..... So where I live is in an apartment complex that is just cement and metal pretty much. Well what happens is that because I am in the campo there are tons of bats. So what happens is that all of the bats that there are go into my roof. So all night long and all day long I can hear them! They are slowly driving me insane! I snapped a few times already actually haha I hear them screeching and scratching and AHHHHH!!!! I just get so bugged and annoyed and they are just killing me haha I cant do anything about them either. I just bought some good bug killer and I am thinking about giving my ceiling a good spray =) haha I cant take it anymore.

So this week I will be talking, hopefully to an apostle. WOOT WOOT!!! So yeah the work out here in bulnes has been a little rough. We had a really hard week and I think it was mostly just because of me. I couldnt work my hardest because my back just was killing me. It still hurts pretty bad, but I got new shoes from some members so I am hoping that, that helps me.! :) DONT WORRY MOM! I am fine. I am a strong man. So Halloween was really boring here. They didnt really do anything. But you know that guy who just got baptized?! Well he just got the priesthood sunday. He is so cool because he just wants to go out and bring all of the members back to the church. The ones who fell away. He was telling us some days he just cant get them out of his mind and just wants to go out and look for them. He has been asking for a list of all of the members so he can go and visit them!!!! How freaking cool right?!!?! We explained priesthood last night and he was like so I was just feeling my duties to the priesthood early I guess. haha It all has to do with the predestination he said. haha wow. What a convert! :D I love this guy!

The man who fought Satan! Yes it was like a UFC fight he said haha so this is something that you can put up on the blog. E´ White and I went over to visit a member to see how she was doing in her calling and all of that jazz and we get to her house and one of the guys that she is alowing live there opens the door. He is an old man and we are just like is maria here? He said no come on in though. We go in and he starts eating again and I start saying hey have you ever talked with missionaries like us before!? He was like no, I am catholic. I was like cool! I am glad to hear that you have faith in Christ. What is it that motivates you to believe in him and he says because I have some marvelous experiences with god in my life. I was like cool, I couldn't even get to say another word when he told me he saw god. I was like really?! That is interesting... He also goes to say I fought Satan and god thanked me. I was like ok, I have got to hear this story. He said that one day he was going out doing missionary work and was walking down a empty desert road and all of the sudden started to feel a little weird and suddenly Satan appeared to him and told him to follow or obey him. He said no I will not obey you and started to fight him. He said that they were fighting for a while and Satan started to realize the power that this guy had and started to get scared and to ask for forgiveness and when he got the chance, Satan, took off running away from him because of how scared he was. He said after he had run away that god came down from heaven and told him how grateful he was to this man for what he did. How he was a powerful instrument in his hands and god was going to bless him. That is when the guy said he was chosen from god and that god had touched his life. The funniest most crazy story that I have ever heard. haha Crazy old man!

Love you all!
Elder Brown