The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Monday, January 3, 2011


By the Beard of Thor!!!!!

Hello family, and welcome to this days session of ¨In the Mission Field¨,
(Narrated by whoever is reading this, Edited by Spell Check, and Directed by The Spirit)

So first off I want to say sorry that it has taken forever to get back to all of you. It has been crazy lately. I want to first start out saying that we are fine after the earthquake. To be honest we didn't even know about it haha. We had a pretty strong tremor in church but that was not the earthquake. So I am a little sad that I didn't get to feel it haha but don't worry nothing even happened. It was only a 7.1 or something so not a big deal at all. Sure it would make you run out of your house just for safety but nothing bad even happened so don't worry haha so how are all of you? It sounds like you all had a blast for new years and all of that jazz! I am happy to hear that! So here are some things that have happened lately that are pretty cool. BUT FIRST!!! I know that when we talked you thought I was being a little offensive right?! Well I was thinking about that and wondering why you said that and elder pulver was too. I realized maybe because we are in two completely different cultures! Hahaha The weird thing here is that they do not take offense when someone calls them fat or skinny or ugly or pretty or lazy or not or if they suck at speaking or speak to fast or just sound dumb when they speak. I am serious the first week I got here I got told many times my Spanish sucks. I heard and still hear people every day call or refer to people as that fat kid on the corner. It just is not offensive here. They even tell us that they suck at speaking, that they speak very badly. haha They love how Colombians speak though haha they say they speak so beautifully haha it is funny.

Ok on to the week,

First off this week we had a Family Home Evening with all of the ward. Well as many as would come, so about 20 or 25 haha it was really fun. Chileans are nuts when you try to play games with them! haha They all go crazy. We did a great spiritual thought on the holy ghost, actually a member/RM did it for us and it rocked! Everyone participated and it was just a blast. After that we did a game where elder pulver and I made a maze out of chairs and blindfolded some of the people and the other people had to lead one another through the maze and elder pulver and I were the ´devils´ :) haha it was pretty fun. But then they just started screaming and yelling and running around and changing the maze and just going nuts. haha to say the least it was not a very spiritual game haha people were even getting upset at one another because they couldn't hear over all of the shouting they were doing hahahahaha oh Chileans..... gotta love em... :)

I went on a mini-cambio with elder teske this week. Oh a mini-cambio is like a mini-transfer. Just for the day. It was way fun! I love elder Teske! He is such a stud. So us, two almost brand new gringos out in Chile going to preach the word of god. Do we know the language well? NOPE! Can we communicate well? NOPE! Do people understand what the heck we are talking about? NOPE! But do you think god is going to let a little thing like that get in the way? NOPE! haha as we went around trying to find people to teach because literally all of our appointments fell through. well almost all of them haha we encountered this house and a younger kid around the years of 21 ish opened the door. His name was Kevin. As we talked to Kevin he invited us in for a drink of water because it is SOOO HOT all of the time here. As we went in we saw the perfect opportunity to teach him a little bit about the gospel :) so I asked him if we could talk to him for just a little bit. As we started to talk about the atonement of Jesus Christ and baptism in walk his dad and younger brother. We started with one person and ended with three haha so cool. The thing with them is that Kevin is catholic and Robinson and Matias the dad and son are evangelico. They understood about baptism and how it needs to be done like Christ did it but they had trouble understanding that they needed someone who had the authority because they believe they have it. In the end they started to understand and when we asked if we could come back they said we could come back and even set a specific time in order that all of them would be there. They are such good people and really humble surprisingly for evangelico´s and catholics. Oh I am sorry evangelico´s are evangelists, I think that is what you call them in English.

Ok you are all probably wondering what we did for new years?! Well we had to be in our house by 10:30 but we stayed up till twelve to celebrate the new year :) We even got to see fireworks :) Kinda haha we ate at a members house the 31st and had TONS of meat! Then the next day we got together, all the missionaries and had a BIG BBQ it was so good! We played soccer ate food and after all of the eating we went in and watched the RM. OH MY HECK!!!! So freaking funny. But I am going to be honest... It made me not want to come home hahahahaha It just makes me want to be a missionary forever. I know that this sounds weird, but even though I have only been on my mission for like five months, I cant imagine life outside of it. I don't know what I am gonna do when I get home. It is going to be so weird I am just so used to the life of a missionary. I don't want to not be one haha I think that would suck. I don't wanna go back to the real world... Well... Ok I do but I am so scared to do it hahahaha Out here the lord is with me every step. Literally, Every step. :)

Well that was my week Really fun, Really busy, Really successful!!! I cant wait for this week to get going! We are starting to find really good people lately and they seem to have lots of potential! :) I am excited to see what happens with them. Transfers in a week. Jhoana is not progressing... She is being a little stubborn and almost doesn´t even want to try. We have a few progressing investigators and like I said before maybe some really good new investigators!! :) The work is really hard right now but that is good! I just know that the lord is preparing something great! I just gotta get through this trial first :) Woot woot. Little tid bits of info... I am doing alot better in my Spanish. Everyday I get a little better and learn and speak better. It is still hard but I can at least participate in conversations and teach a lot better than when I got here. I love the language some days but I hate it other days haha We ran out of gas 4 days ago so we have been taking cold showers. It really sucks. Haha We are getting gas today though. I am SO happy!!! And last but not least we are two years away from the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.......... hahahahahahahahaha WOOOOOO YEAR 2011 IS GOING TO BE ROCKIN!!!! CHILE BE PREPARED!!! HERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEESSSSS BROWNIE!!! ;)


Be Excellent!!

Elder Brown

Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
The Shining
Elder Brown´s Brain
Elder Pulver´s Random, sometimes unexplainable thoughts

                                                                                                         TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!