The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 2 in Chiguayante

Well world.... We had a good week down here in chiguayante. :) I was actually really surprised about it too. We saw some really good miracles and we are going to be having alot of success this week. So one of the miracles is that we went over to this members house the other day to ask for a reference or two. Well we get there and the hermana is like I have something especially for you elder brown.... Ok, I am getting... Ice cream :) YUMMY jaja that is what I thought. Well she comes out with a packet of papers. A list of all of the hermanas in the church that are not a complete family or have less active people in their families and who she feels could get baptized and come back. She used to work in the relief society so she knows these people personally. 9 Pages of this. HOLY MOLY!!!!! THAT ALMOST NEVER HAPPENS. You can only imagine what I was thinking that night trying to find out how to count the number of references received. jajaja Well we have been passing by all of the people on that list this week and we have been seeing results. A family that was on the list who we passed by to visit, well, the son- who is less active- came to church this week and we also found other people to teach. BLESSINGS!!! It was so freaking cool. Also as I was talking with our ward mission leader last week I told him that we needed ward missionaries and that if he could talk to the bishop to get some people that would be great. Well he told me, ¨Elder, we have been trying to get ward missionaries for months. The bishop doesnt want to give members two callings.¨ Well I told him just ask him to give them an assignment because we only ask 2 hours a week. Then I went to the bishop and told him the same thing, we are getting ward missionaries now. :) Almost all of priesthood meeting was dedicated to find a way to get the ward mission plan with the missionaries going. And to see who could come out and accompany us this week. :) WOOOOO!!!!! The ward is helping even more now. I am really excited to see all the success that we are going to have. Hopefully soon. So yeah those were my experiences for the week. Sorry it is written so badly and scattered.