The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Well today I am going to tell you about the most interesting part of
my week. I first off want to make it known that what I am going to say
is not in any way ment to offend or persecute or poke at anyone in
anyway what so ever.
Well this last week we were doing some contacts and we came across a
man named, Victor Lagos. Well victor was working on his house so we
casually went up to him and just said hi. I was like can we help you
with anything?! He looks at me and with a scrowl says no. I was like
ok, well we are missionaries.....etc... Well they rejected our invite
to listen and I was like well can we pass by another day!? This is
when the guy got a little upset and was like look I have my own
religion it is the metodista-pentacostal(I dont know what it is in
english). I was like cool. He said(trying to get a point across) that
his church had its meetings at 7:30 on sunday and we should go.
Thinking that we were going to say no he kinda smirked and was about
to turn around when I looked at him and said, ¨ok!¨ I then verified
the time and wrote it down in my agenda. I looked at him and invited
him to our meeting as well and said we would be passing by. That is
how the story starts.
SUNDAY, so this marvelous day comes around and we go to church and
have almost no investigators go, even when we went in taxi to go and
get them, but that is another story. We start working and we find some
people and then the time of about 7:30 comes around and we are in
front of this huge evangelico church. The guy(more like bouncer) looks
at us and says do you need something. I was like hi! I am elder brown
we were invited here tonight can we come in!? I swear the look on this
mans face will always be in my mind it was priceless. I tell him that
our friend Victor Lagos invited us, he looks at me and says umm...
wait here. He goes in looking for victor and cant find him but comes
out and says well he is not here... but... uh... Well can we come in!?
I ask. haha He says yeah sure... We go in the den of the lions. hahaha
as we go in it was like a movie when someone famous walks into the
room all of the people go quiet and look at them. Well that is a
little of what happened with us. They all turned around and just
stared at us. haha I couldnt help but laugh... I just smiled and went
and sat by some members and just waited. I was there with a big smile
though. As the other members started to file in we waited like 10, 15
minutes. It was interesting, the only person that came to salud us was
an apostate member. I found 2 less active members in their church. It
was really nice we are probably going to go by and visit them now! :)
The meeting started and the people just started singing or more like
screaming and shouting and saying gloria a dios para siempre. haha
They stood up sang then sat down and then stood up and sat down then
stood up again  and sang and sat down again then they kneeled to pray
then they stood up and sang againg then sat down then one more time on
the knees then the stood up and went in front of everyone to pay the
pastor so that he could live better then they sang again. I think I
missed a few songs somewhere in there. Also, I think I lost about five
pounds during the meeting it was good excercise. I learned alot. ok
not really because for the 50 minutes ish that we were there they sang
like 6 songs 5 minutes each and did other things. I didnt hear one
thing about god. They didnt teach at all. I was really dissapointed I
wanted to hear what they taught, but I guess they dont. We finally got
up and just left because we had to go and visit other people. Then
after leaving we ran into the wife of victor coming back from shopping
going to her house. hahaha He didnt show up... :( Next time though!!!

My apartment is really humble. haha No its actually nice. I like it.
Not to big not to small. REALLY HOT THOUGH!!!! We get home some nights
and I feel like it is hotter in the house than outside and we just
start sweating. It is hard to sleep sometimes too!! haha I love
chile!!!! I just sweat and preach the word of god. :) I will be taking
pictures of it this week. haha Dont worry I have all of the necesary
things to live. I promise.

 I love being able to help people here. It is one
of my favorite things to do. I wanna be able to preach the gospel with
the power of god for the rest of my life. I would need to be an
apostol though haha I dont think its going to happen.

Until next week -
Love Elder Brown