The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Dear Americans

My dear Americans,
Well this week was amazing! I cant believe all of the success that we had. We probably had the best numbers this week than I have had at any other time of my mission. I love it here in bulnes. The people are so much more receptive and willing to listen. We have found some really good people and are working with some really good people as well. We will be having a baptism this Sunday for a guy named, Ivan. He is the most amazing investigator that I have ever had already asking about a mission with his wife and what he can do to help the branch here in bulnes. He was a Jehovah´s witness and when we first started to talk with him he and his daughter(Carla) had SO MANY QUESTIONS. Deep doctrine things. We had a lot of praying going on in our hearts and we did a lot of searching days before, but the thing that got them the most was just bearing testimony. You can bring all of the most amazing evidence to the table, but if they are not praying reading and trying to really truly find the answers they will not. Facts in the gospel are just empty eloquent words, but when you bear a simple humble testimony of a belief that you have, they make such a profound impact on the lives of the people that goes past the superficial surface that marks the understanding of the human mind. I know that, that is what happened with Ivan. It was the simple fact that we got him reading. Then the spirit took him the rest of the way. Well to be honest we didn't even get him reading we just invited him. The spirit did the rest of it haha. Anyways, he is so good. He is even marking his scriptures and explaining them to his member family. SO COOL!!!
So I got a hair cut and I look like a Russian soldier. haha I am near bald here. I feel like she just shaved all the hair off my head. It is so short haha. Oh and a few days ago it was weird because all of a sudden all of the lights here in bulnes turned off. Well a certain part. The church even got its power shut off. It was weird. It was PITCH BLACK! So I have a request. Send me pictures of your lives. I wanna see whats going on, but also the people of Chile like to see that we have families and friends too. So yeah, do that. :) Much love, until next week.