The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week of Craziness!!

So this week was pretty cool! We had tons of success. We did a mini cambio this week with quillon and just had a blast finding people and teaching we went to visit a lady who was going to get baptized and she told us she had been lying for the past month but just felt to bad to tell us, but she didnt have any desires to get baptized. She passed the interview and all. I feel bad for the elders there, but that same day we committed someone else to baptism and he accepted and he is progressing and I feel will get baptized. Today we went to a place called ¨salta itata¨.  It is a beautiful place where they have a waterfall and it is just gorgeous. It was a 2 and a half hour bus ride to get there and another 2 and a half to get back. It was so worth it though. I got right on the edge of the waterfall. I looked down to the end of it and got some BOMB pictures. I love taking pictures. I also got to see all of the missionaries that came with me in my district. I loved seeing them. It was E´ Page, E´ Hutchins E´ Raley and me. I missed those guys so much. We went to this place as 2 zones. So in my district we are having a really hard time the only people that are having people in church are 2 sectors out of 4 and 3 out of the 4 have less than 20 lessons which is very low for our mission. You should be averaging easily 20-25 lessons a week. I dont know what is going on but we are trying to get some good people and have some success. I hope we see it soon. We are going to be having a baptism here in our sector really soon. :) Her name is Gladys and she is amazing. Very humble, but extremely sincere and has a desire to follow Christ. I love it. We had an activity this week that was really cool. What we did is we had everyone start out in a room filled with light, we said welcome to the pre-earth life. Here you know everything that is going to happen. We explained a few things we sang a song and we then had them get up and follow us to another room (with spiritual music playing) where it was almost 100 % pitch black! We lead them in and helped them sit down. We had some flashlights and showed them the way, well in this dark room we started to say welcome to the world. It is beautiful right?! Well since it is get up and walk around and change seats. Well they did and crashed into each other because you couldn't see a thing and we helped everyone once again take a seat and we started saying how hard it is in the world that is dark and where we dont know everything. We then went on to say that is why god sent his servants the prophets. We turned on a flashlight. These prophets have lead the way since to beginning of time. Then we pointed the flashlights on the pictures that we had placed on the walls. We said they taught great things, but people rejected them and killed them(flashlight off). We showed them the meaning of apostasy and then even when it happened with Christ when he came as a bigger light(lantern). But even he was rejected. Well then what we did was explain the restoration and when we did it we explained that Joseph smith when he was given the authority gave it to someone else (passing the flashlight to a member) and them to another(passing the flashlight to a different member) and them to another and so on and that god has made it so we could never ever loose this light again. So in a nut shell we talked about the Restoration. It was a great lesson!! :)

The presidency in the branch is still in the process of being changed. We are waiting for the stake president to come down and call him no mas. I am a little picared that he hasnt came yet. We have been waiting for 3 weeks now. Oh well it will come when it comes. So the branch here is still struggling but we are doing better. I am really a little stressed about many things right now, but I am trusting alot in the lord and he is really helping me. I just need to be better. I know that I am at the point of hitting a new level, I just need to trust more in the lord be more humble and love more. I know that as I do that I will have alot of success and I will become a better missionary. I am really trying I know I can be better and really change alot of lives. I am going to do all I can to make that happen. 

Love Elder Brown