The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter weeeeeeek!

Well.... This week was ridiculous because it is what is called the semana santa! Or for those of you who dont speak Spanish, the holy week. haha It is just a week of worshipping god in many apostate ways. haha no it is cool everyone is worshipping our lord and savior and what he did for us, the thing that is not good though, is that they focus to much in his death and not in the Resurrection. Which is one of the most important parts!!! He LIVES!!! That is so much better than he is dead. But this whole week was good but tough. Tons of people wanted to listen to us because it was about god, but at the same time they wanted to fight about everything. No one was here this weekend too! They all left to the country side. So no one was at church. This week we came across more drunks, most of them being pastors and people from the strong catholic or evangelico churches. I love this gospel because it just shows us how to be good people and to follow what the lord wants us to do! The thing that is really cool is that our gospel is the same! We dont have any beliefs that contradict within our church. For example how the catholics believe in the saints. Well about half of the people do. The others pray to them and the others just have statues of them and feel they are good people. So yeah. This week made me look at how real and true this gospel is! :) We are doing everything we can to be obedient to the rules of the mission. We are having alot of success here in tomé now! We have found like 6 families and we are teaching them all right now. We have also found over 20 people in the past 2 weeks who are willing to listen and try to progress in the gospel. So I think that we are going to have about 2 baptism´s this may :) I am super excited. We are teaching alot now. haha it is really cool and tough. So I love the lord. I know that I am no where near the man he wants me to be but I strive everyday to get there. I love this gospel so much and Know that as I continue to keep the commandments and help the children of the lord, he will help me.