The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Weed Men and The Miracle of Anna

Ok, this week was really cool and I am not going to spend to much time on what happened because I dont have much time haha but here we go I am just gonna jump right into it.

The WEED MEN,Haha these guys were really funny actually. What happened was that we were out looking for a kid named Hirum who we had taught a day or two before and after we left a note at his door letting him know we couldnt pass by the next day we went to his neighbors house and as we greeted three guys down the street yelled at us, No one is home. Just like a chilean. haha so Elder P is mad right off haha he hates when they say stuff to us haha because half of the time they are just lying to us. He is about to walk off when I feel hey lets go talk to them. So I make a B line right at them saying hey whats up, whats your name and stuff like that so we didnt freak them out as we, two greengos walked at them haha. We got over there and started talking to these three guys who were actually really cool and funny. As we talked to them we found out one had already talked to missionaries and the others saw them haha. Then out of no where one guys pulls out a bag of mary and turns to his friend who has a dubbie paper and gives him some. Haha they rolled a dubbie right in front of us as we were talking about the things that we do as missionaries hahaha so funny. They also were all tatooed up too. It was just a funny situation that we were in. I think that one of the guys was a dealer actually haha

So for weeks we have been working with a lady named Anna. She is so awesome and we met her doing street contacts. She has been preparing for baptism, the only thing is that her work, or service to her sister so she can have a day off gets in the way. What she does is, every sunday she goes to this old ladies house. Her sister is like the maid for this lady because she is just super old and every Friday anna offers to let her have a free day to go do things. Anna does get paid just because the lady is super nice but this got in the way of her being able to be baptized this last week. So we had been praying for a miracle. She wanted so badly to get baptized that she was going to go the night before cook dinner and then stay the night and cook breakfast, leave get baptized and go straight back. Well god is just so amazing that some how he got the old lady to ask what anna was doing this week and anna told her and got the whole day off!!! :) It was amazing and Anna went and got baptized. Even though her family wasnt willing to come and support her. She wanted it so bad and wants so bad to follow god. I love her :)

Well have tons more of stories but no more time. I love you all!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!

Elder Brown