The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Well here we are in bulnes another week and a bunch more adventures. So this week we had some really good success. We found this lady named paola who is a-freaking-mazing!!! So accepted a fecha right away and she just loved the things we shared. She is going to be getting baptized here in a few weeks. Elder Haws and I are working really hard trying to do what we can to find people and have success. We are doing really well and having fun too! We had a few road bumps this week with having to do interviews and also going to other sectors alot, but I still feel we had a lot of success. He is so good at being a counselor. He is still learning, but he is learning fast and is a stud at it. I dont think I need to even train him on how to be a counselor. haha He already knows. Alot happened, but I am going to share the story of Paola. So, we were walking home from a cita at night and we are just kinda looking for people to talk to and as we are passing the supermarket Bigger, we see this lady and we smile and say hi and keep walking, not really feeling anything special. Actually I dont even remember seeing her, but I do know that I said hi because she told me I did haha. I am a space brain. But anyways, we end up doing contacts in the apartment blocks were we live and we are doing them with rejection after rejection when finally I remember that in the other blocks across the street there is a menos activo and we could go and visit her. So we go over and start doing some contacts and we get rejected again and again haha (its not to bad dont worry) all of a sudden I see elder haws look up and say hi to a girl. She is smoking out on her porch and haws just starts talking and I then get in the conversation and we start talking a little more and I ask if we can share something and she says well come up here so you are not having to look up to talk to me haha. We go up and we just have a very spiritual lesson about the restoration and she understood it perfectly. She accepted to be baptized but not a fecha, but she felt the spirit so strong she started to cry and she told us some things that had happened in her life to help her believe in god and she, after, was like I dont know why I just told you to that, I havent even told my parents that, but I just feel good right now and I have confidence with you two and I just felt I should tell you two. Well we left and were basically dancing as we went back to our house. We were so happy!!! Well a few days pass and during comp study I get the sudden prompting to call paola and so I do. Well when I call her to confirm that we are going to be coming over she seemed really happy to talk to us. She was like yes!! I will be waiting for you two! Well when we went over there the next day, Saturday, she told us that the day before we called her she had gotten in a big fight with her ex and she missed her family that lived way far away and she almost never sees and she was just alone and having a hard hard time and just felt like she couldnt do anything right. Well in work she was feeling like that and when she started to cry in work and almost break down she received a call. Well this call was from us! haha She said when she received the call she suddenly felt good again and the things that were happening passed from her! She said she completely forgot about the problems and had a great day at work. It was really good seeing the hand of the lord in her life. Her and her son are receiving many blessings and it is amazing to see.!! :)

 I love serving a mission.  My comp rocks!!!! I love him so much. I feel alot more comfortable with him and I know that we are going to have a lot more success. He is a good missionary and we fall well together and we understand what we need to do. We are both working in our callings to help others and I know that we are going to see some miracles here soon. His name is elder haws if I havent told you! I will send you a picture next week.  

Love Elder Brown

Last of White

So this week was really tough. It was the last week of elder white
here in bulnes. Yup that is right you heard me, elder white is leaving
bulnes!! I cant believe that they are breaking up cafe and blanco! I
dont know where that revelation came from haha no no I am just kidding
it will be really good for him. I know that he is going to grow so
much more and just keep becoming the missionary god wants him to be. I
love this elder so much. I am going to miss him, but elder Haws, who
was with me or in my house in tomé will be coming here and we are
going to be tearing it up. He is going to be the new branch counselor
so I will be training him on the things a little bit and showing him
how to do the stuff of the church. He is such a good missionary I am
going to just be repeating things he already knows though. haha I am
so excited for him to get here. I know that this is exactly what this
ward needs. A little bit of elder Haws. :) Elder white is going to a
place called Parral. It is a baptizing sector! Here we are doing
better. We had just got to the point to where we finally found a way
to get good counselors. Ivan is going to be counselor and then
we(yesterday) changed the presidency of the young womens and the
primary and the teachers. This one is actually done by revelation too!
I am really excited to see how it works. I am glad Haws is going to be
coming into a sector with a little more organization. haha This week
was elder white birthday. On thursday I planned a little birthday
party with all of his favorite people. We got him a cake little
presents and just made him feel like a king for a day. He is such a
good guy, the whole day he was just like hey lets just work dont worry
about my birthday, just work. I was like bull! We are not forgetting
your birthday, so I told EVERYONE about it. haha I sang happy birthday
to him like 20 times haha  it was really good for him. I think it
helped him realize how much the members really do love him. He is such
a good missionary! How can I be like elder White. haha our names still
crack me up. haha OH!!! In his birthday with his cake a tradition here
is that you have to do a... shoot how do you say this in english... I
think it is like a little bite. I dont know I just know what they
expect is that you take a bite from the cake without hands just face
down into the cake. Well when he did it carlos(ward mission leader)
pushed his face down into the cake and it got ALL over him!! haha I
laughed so hard I have some pictures that I will send to you. We
passed it really well though. I loved it. Good week to end on.