The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Transferred to Bulnes!

Ok, well now obviously I am not in my old sector of Chiguayante, I am now in a place called Bulnes. Yes it is just like it sounds a butt crack country town with very little people and a branch of about 30 people. Talk about shock. 130 to 30 assisting members. haha No it is a good place with many great people. I think the only funny thing is, is that it is like relief society. haha I think that the majority of the members are women. haha I am not saying there are not me, because there are, but there are TONS of women. So, I didn't wanna tell you guys, because I just don't like saying but, I have been called as the branch presidents counselor out here in bulnes. I am helping run this little branch of 370 members with 30 active haha. Crazy huh. haha I never thought I would be doing this, but the lord had other plans this is going to help me alot know how the organization of the church runs and doesn't run. ;) I have already had to jump in and say whoa that is not right, we should probably do this another way. It is tough actually because this ward is so dependent on the missionaries and I don't like that. It shouldn't be. I am going to change that. BUT, that is not the funniest part. hahahahahaha I love my new comp. His name is.... wait for it.... Elder WHITE!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahaha I almost died laughing. haha  ;D We are getting along really well. He is a good missionary! Very obedient! I love it because it makes my job so much easier. haha I am starting out in this sector almost like I started in my last sector, with nothing. We have one investigator that's gold, but other than that we had NO ONE! I think we worked hard this week though because we found 10 people. So we are now working with a lot more people. I don't know if I like my zone so much. They are all kinda off in there own world, not much unity. I don't like that to much. We are going to change that too! So I had a good few adventures this week. I ripped almost all of the pants I have. I only really have like 3, but one I was playing b ball with some of the jovenes at an activity and the courts are so bad here that as I was running I hit a patch of dirt that was on the court and I slipped and wrecked my leg up haha ripped and destroyed my pants too! haha It was bad but really fun at the same time ;) I tried to get as little blood in the picture as possible haha So yeah that is how it is going here in bulnes. Just finding tons of people and having tons of fun experiences. Elder Café y Elder Blanco on the run. Taking names and baptizing nations. Peace out.

Oh I have a request could you put a little money in my account and let me know how much money I have, so I can buy some new pants.... haha I am really sorry. I just... accident. I am ok though!!! Don't worry. I am currently using a pair of pants that are HUGE haha but my other pair of pants are in the wash and the other pairs are either for my suit or are just really uncomfortable because they are meant for a suit. NOT BECAUSE I AM FAT! haha So this week was really cool. I had lots of fun. I like my comp, but he is really to focused I think. I love his obedience, and his focus, but I just want him to have more fun. haha We had the best week of his mission this week. :) He was really happy. We found tons and taught tons and it is just going to get better. It was so funny, our sacrament meeting looked like relief society haha. I am so excited for general conference!!! I love it!!! I am going to be watching it in a place called Chillan. It is like the biggest closest town to our sector. I have this investigator here who is so freaking tight. His name is Gabriel. He comes to church in a suit and whenever we talk to him he is just so willing to learn and open to accept these things. He loved hearing about the prophet and is going to go to the conference this week. I am so excited. Also, there is a HUGE feria here! I don't know how to say it in English I think it means marketplace, but I don't know if that is what you call it. It is a place where tons of people are selling cool little things like in the picture with e white when we have those hats on and that poncha or manta as it is called here, they sell those and tons of other cool things like that. I think I will be going soon. ;)

So I am going to be honest, I am really jealous that you are able to go to priesthood meeting with everyone. haha and to Arctic circle after.I want food from the states so bad! haha fast food.... mmmmm.... So you went and did sealings with sister lortz??  I remember going to do sealing with sister lortz. haha I enjoyed it. I think that she is such a kind lady who has a love for the way of the lord. It is cool how much time she dedicates to him every week. I am so happy that you are continually going to the temple. I think that is the first thing that I want to do when I get back. I want to go to temple square and then go to the temple. I miss it more than you can imagine. AH! haha But I am being blessed in other ways. So I have a few questions. I am now the counselor to the president of this branch, what do I do!? I mean, I know what to do, but like do you have any tips or advice!? This branch is really disorganized. I got here and heard tons of things that were not happening and got in and was like we need to be having our meetings regularly and be following the handbook and doing this and that. I have it now and am reading it, but I just don't feel that I know everything. I know that my first priority is the missionary work, but I still feel a big stress of having to do alot for this branch, because our president of the branch lives in another city about 30 minutes away. So he is never here and doesn't wanna come out more than 1 or 2 a week including Sunday. What is your advice. It is funny that instead of having sacrament it is like we have relief society haha it is funny my first day I was like what the heck, I see like 5 men in the congregation. I like the ward though. The people are really nice. I love them.  Tell everyone I say Hi! :)
Elder Brown