The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Monday, February 21, 2011

Well Hello!! (I'm a week behind!)

Welcome to this days session of Elder Brown´s week.

So this week was pretty cool. Definitely a lot of work and success. :) That is always the best. So I think what we are going to do is just jump right into it yeah? Here.... we.... GO!!!!!

First, this week has been pretty cool in the fact that we have been seeing so many miracles! I am serious for the past 3 or 4 weeks we have had no success. We have had nearly no one to teach and no one progressing. So what we did was, last week we did something called invoking the powers of the heavens. What we did was sat down and thought of things that we wanted. Things we needed to happen so that the work would progress and things that we need the lord to do and things that we would do to receive his help. We seriously sat and thought and one of the things we asked for was that we would find people. Well more specifically that we would find a family. Well as we worked the rest of that week completing our promises and things that we needed to do we found a family. An inactive family actually. We found them and started talking to them. This family had been waiting for the missionaries to pass by to help them for a long time. Now we are working with 3 of their little kids and a sister of the inactive members. We have our family. We are also working with another kid by the name of Alonzo and he is a stud. He is the brother of a recent member. Also the son of Anna who we baptized January 23rd. :) So as you can plainly see we have so many people right now! :) The lord has been so good to us and has helped us so much with finding people and for the month of March we might be bringing in 4-6 of God´s children back into the path to return to him. It is something that is so amazing! I couldn´t be happier. :) I really have found a joy in this work. I have never felt better in   my whole life. It is the greatest work that any one can do. PUNTO!

So, this paragraph is going to be filled with a bunch of random stuff haha here ya go.... So first off, para que sepa, this is probably my last week with Elder Pulver. I actually am really sad about that because we have become such good friends. I am really going to miss him but I know that it is a good thing that we have cambio´s here in the mission. For example; when I first arrived here in Talca, ward Panamericana, you could relate it to an old, grumpy, senile man. The ward was full of tons of people who are to say it nicely very old. They are really stuck in their ways and don't wanna do anything but go to church on Sunday and that's it. Though they are good people it felt like a dying old man. Now though, we are finding all of these new young people. They, at first gave this old man an adrenaline rush! Now though, as there are more and more new young people in the ward, it is like this old man is getting a hip replacement, a heart transplant, plastic surgery and muscle implants. This old man is starting to live again. This is all still in the process and we hope that the operation goes well. We know though that we have the best doctor that there is. We just need to be good assistants. I know that the lord will provide and help us bring the  children of our Heavenly Father back. So like the ward grows and changes so do we. We are here to do the work the lord wants us to do and when we are done with it we leave it to other missionaries and him to take care of the rest. So yeah that is my little analogy of the old man of panamericana. Now, on a more unserious note. A few nights ago I thought I was going to die! I am serious... There were these birds outside our house chirping away ALL NIGHT!!! I honestly think that they were out there torturing a poor little dog that was barking at them. It was ridiculous I couldn´t fall asleep forever! Haha it was insane! Also, this week went by super freaking fast. I have 6 months out here on the 18 and I am going nuts. It is crazy how fast time is going. SLOW DOWN TIME!!!! I have a lot more to do out here and I will do it!

Ok, this is the crazy story of the week paragraph. So as we have been teaching this new family we have been having to go look for them. To bring them to church and to English class. It is a little bit of a walk too! Well as we go to get them we ran into this mentally disabled kid named Mauricio. He follows us asking us the same questions. He is a really nice kid but just doesn't leave us alone. Here is the problem with this. 1 It is dangerous for him to follow us because we go fast and we go to all over and the is just not good for a kid like him. 2 He tries to come with us to visits and we just cant do that. It is not good for us so the other day we dropped the kids off at their house and started walking to our next appointment and low and behold we ran into Mauricio. He started following us and we told him hey we gotta go so you cant follow us. We were nice about it though. Well he thought it was a game when started doing our super missionary walk and he was running to keep up with us. He even started grabbing us. Well I had some treats and was like look Mauricio I know you understand us, so listen to me, you cant follow us man. We gotta go. Here are some treats, I will give them to you if you leave us here. Yeah? Well I gave them to him and started walking. For a second I thought it was working but I was deceived. He started running at us again. So what I did was like ok Mauricio give me the treats back. You are not listening to us so you cant have them. So I took them and he got a little upset and tried to get them back but I was just like nope you are not listening to us. He just thought it was a game. Elder Pulver is super frustrated at this point mind you. He is talking in English saying stop following us please haha trying to be as calm as possible. He was funny, but anyways after doing the missionary walk for a little longer he finally gave up. But every time we see him now we go to extreme measures to avoid him haha. Sad and mean I know but we just cant have him follow us...

Well that is it for this week love you all! Happy V-Day! :)

Elder Brown