The Final Strect

The Final Strect
My Official Mission Home Picture

Monday, April 11, 2011

I've been transferred!

Well I have been in panamericana for a good five and a half months and now comes for the time to leave my home of birth and travel into the world as a man. I have finally grown up and am not a young kid in the mission anymore. haha I will be going to a place called tomé it is alot more south more by concepcion. Actually it is about 30 minutes from concepcion. I am super excited to go there because there is beach there and hills and it is supposed to be gorgeous. the only bad things about that is... the hills things is a double edged sword. haha It is going to suck walking up those hills everyday. haha in the rain... and cold. haha I am super excited for this mission experience. But just so you know.. I need rain pants. Like water pants because since I am by the beach and all of that It will rain nearly everyday and we will have wind all the time so the rain will not come down vertical but horisantle instead haha so if you could send me some rain pants that would be great. :) Other than that I dont have much to say this week has gone by really fast conference was freaking bomb¡¡¡ I loved it and it really helped our investigators. The prophet is such a stud¡ haha So yeah I loved conference so much I cant really pick which talks I liked best, but I did love the talk from scott. Tell jared to listen and get married haha and Anthony.  ;) I also loved the talk of the ¨to be¨ and the ¨to do¨ I loved the way that he talked about that¡ We cant simply do things just to do them, but do them to be them. Because when we do things to be them we become what we do and that is when we achieve what the lord wants. Be what you do¡¡ I love that and I can definitely apply it in what I do here in the mission. The basis of this talk is helping us realize we need to develope christ like attributes because when we have those we are ¨to be´s ¨ instead of ¨to do´s ¨. AH¡ They are so spiritual and smart one day I will be like that I hope haha

So I am going to be completely honest with all of you, I love my new sector!! It is so much better than talca haha I actually feel like I am in chile now. It is beautiful! I cant even explain to you how amazing it is here. The only down fall of this sector is that It has SO many hills! It is actually almost to the point to where it is ridiculous haha I am dying here. No it really is not that bad. But yeah I love TOMÉ :) My comp is a freaking stud. His name is Elder Demann. He is from Murray Utah and he has 6 weeks more than I do in the mission. Haha so we are learning together still. I thought it was interesting how the president did that. He put two almost new missionaries in a sector to wreak havoc ;) no it is actually really cool. We have had no really tough problems as of now. We speak the language pretty well thanks to god. We get along really well. He is so freaking funny. He is a little more chill and relaxed than I am so we work really well together. It is so funny, because when I got here and started meeting all of the people they immediately noticed the difference in elder demann when he is with me because his other comp too was chill so they are noticing he is a lot more active haha I don't know that is just what they tell me. But we got a baptism this week. :) We worked all this week to help this lady quit smoking and keep and learn a few other lessons and she got baptized. One of the coolest ladies ever! I love her haha. She has a family and they hadn't been sharing with them they thought that it was boring, but now we are going to be sharing with her daughter haha and husband hopefully. He is a really smart man and says he doesn't like to talk about religion and is not a religious man but last night we ran into him and Patricia( the lady who got baptized) and we talked to him for a good 15 minutes in the street about religion so I think we are getting to him and he will open up soon. There is so much potential here. The ward is HUGE!!! It has like 100 people. It is so cool to see so many people there and tons are young kids too. They are really good people we just need to animate them a little to help us in the work But we can do it. All in all I love it here and am alot happier. I live in a house of 4 missionaries and it rocks haha I also want to add that I think my other missionaries were a little chueko.(like lazy or crooked, used for a missionaries who isn't really obedient or doing everything he should be) not bad, but not really good. We are REALLY obedient now. Elder Demann is a super obedient missionary and it is really good for us right now. So yeah that is Tomé. The ocean is beautiful and so is the wild life. It is a little more chilly here, but only in the night. It is a lot better than heat though. haha ;)
Well we have had success in the beginning parts of my time here in this sector and we have the possibility of having alot more. :) This month is going to rock!